Ugh, aren’t flies just the worst? A buzzing cloud that descends on us and our horses for the entire season of summer. If only there was a spray that could repel flies so my horse could have some sort of fly relief even if it was temporary. Well, there is! Fly spray, the world’s greatest invention is a spray that temporarily repels flies from whatever it is sprayed on. There are all kinds of fly sprays on the market, but my favorite is the kind for use on horses. These are the best fly sprays for horses on the market.
Fly Spray #5: Farnam E-Equine Bronco Citronella Fly Spray

I have used this fly spray on my horses before. I really like it because not only does it have a nice scent, but it works really well too! This fly spray not only repels one kind of fly, but it also repels:
- Stable Flies
- Horse Flies
- Face Flies
- Deer Flies
- House Flies
- Horn Flies
- Mosquitoes
- Gnats
- Ticks
- Fleas
- Chiggers
- Lice
Not only is this fly spray affordable, but you can find it all over! Many tack stores, feed stores, and other pet stores will carry this fly spray so it is readily accessible whenever you need to buy it.
Amazon also offers this spray for sale in packages or in refill gallon containers so you can buy it in bulk.
To purchase a 2-pack click here
To purchase a 3-pack click here
To purchase a gallon container click here
Fly Spray #4: Pyranha Nulli-Fly Fly Spray

As you may already know, the Pyranha brand has a lot of different fly sprays for sale of all different styles and strengths, and bases. This specific spray is a water-based spray and it is likely the cheapest of all the Pyranha fly sprays that are available for sale.
This fly spray repels:
- Stable Flies
- Horse Flies
- Face Flies
- Deer Flies
- House Flies
- Horn Flies
- Mosquitoes
- Gnats
- Ticks
- Fleas
- Lice
I have bought this spray for my horses several times. I really like it not only because it is so affordable, but also because it works. This spray can be found in several different places for ale including online stores, Amazon, Tractor Supply Co., and almost all feed and tack stores.
I really like this spray and totally recommend it to someone looking for a temporary fly relief for your horses, dogs, cattle, or other livestock animals.
Fly Spray #3: Manna-Pro Pro-Force Rapid Knockdown Fly Spray

Manna-Pro is a well-known brand in the horse industry that sells anything from horse treats for overweight horses, to equine weight gain supplements. Because this brand is so reputable, this spray is able to be trusted for use on our precious ponies.
The most amazing thing about this spray to me is the fact that it is proven to repel and kill over 70 different biting insects that may pester horses, donkeys, and other animals.
This spray is proven to repel flies for up to 14 days at a time!
Some of the species that this spray repels include:
- Biting Flies
- Stable Flies
- Horse Flies
- House Flies
- Face Flies
- Deer Flies
- Gnats
- Carpenter Bees
- Fees
- Ticks
- Chiggers
- Lice
- Mosquitoes
The things I like about this spray include:
- The trustworthy brand
- The fact that this spray can take down over 70 species of biting insects
- The fact that this spray repels the mosquitoes responsible for spreading west nile virus
- The high ratings
- The affordable price
Fly Spray #2: Happy Horse Weather-Resistant Fly Spray

Happy horse fly spray is a type of fly spray that is actually weather-resistant. This means that this spray is designed to keep itself on the horse’s coat and skin even when the horse is sweating or if it is raining.
This spray, like many others, contains citronella which in a way almost makes the spray smells like Froot Loops. This spray protects horses from a number of different insects. The main insects repelled by this spray are:
- Horseflies
- Houseflies
- Stableflies
- Faceflies
- Hornflies
- Deerflies
- Gnats
- Mosquitoes
I really like this spray for a number of reasons. My favorite things about this spray and what it has to offer include:
- A reasonable, affordable price
- The company is run by a team of equestrians
- This spray has a 14-day weather resistant design. This means that this spray should stay effective and stay on during rain or shine for around 2 weeks
- It outlasts any of the other fly sprays on the markat and repells flies for much longer.
I think this spray is a great choice for horses at pasture or those who have a really bad fly problem. This spray is stronger and longer lasting than most others sprays which is why it would be so much better to use it on these horses.
To purchase a large refill container of this product, click here.
Fly Spray #1: Pyranha Wipe N’ Spray

The reason I put this fly spray at spot #1 is that based on my personal experience, this spray works the best on horses. This spray is so strong that not only does it repel flies, but any flies that are directly contacted by this product die almost immediately.
Though this spray is expensive, you are paying for a very strong spray that will kill and repel flies effectively.
I currently use this spray on both of my lesson horses and it works wonders!
This spray repels a number of insects including:
- Stable Flies
- House Flies
- Horse Flies
- Deer Flies
- Face Flies
- Horn Flies
- Mosquitoes
- Gnats
Not only does this fly spray kill and repel flies, but it also is a sort of coat conditioner and when sprayed evenly all over the body, it dries in a beautiful sheen making the horse’s coat look healthy and bright.
This fly spray can also be found literally anywhere horse supplies are sold. They have been sold at certain hardware stores like Ace Hardware, or feed stores likes Tractor Supply, Scottsdale Livestock, and Dynamite Horseman’s Supply.
Amazon also has a lot of options to purchase this spray. You can buy it in: