Bareback pads are a piece of tack that makes riding your horse bareback a little easier and a little more fun. These pads are designed to help cushion the horse's back while also helping to keep you...
Posts by Hailey Sipila
You just rescued a horse from a neglect situation, or your horse is mysteriously losing weight. What should you do to help bring them back to a healthy weight again? There are many things that you...
Even though your horse may be a little bit too chunky for his own good, sometimes it can be a little too hard to resist giving him a treat. Are there treats out there that you can give to an...
When I'm giving riding lessons to some of my students, they often ask me, "Why does Cisco need two saddle pads on?" They ask this because I like to put both a regular saddle pad and a half pad on...
Hay you ever been to a horse show or watched a competition and seen horses wearing funny little hats that covered their ears? These little hats are actually known as fly bonnets and the horses who...
Swayback is a fairly common thing to see in horses of all shapes, sizes, and breeds. There are some breeds of horses that are more prone to getting swayback than others. Why is this? What is swayback...