For the longest time, I had no idea what an OTTB was. I even had friends who would talk about their OTTBs and I didn't even know what they were. Finally, I asked them what an OTTB was and what OTTB...
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Why do horses lift up their lip when they smell something interesting or funny? What is this called? This funny sight is actually a special thing horses do for a number of specific reasons. This...
What Is Smokey Black? All About Black Horses With The Influence Of A Creme Gene
When researching about all the different coat colors caused by the creme gene, I was noticing that the ones I was focusing on were chestnut and bay horses influenced by the creme gene they carried. I...
There are many different parts of the hoof both internally and externally. After writing my laminitis article and the article on parts of the hoof, I decided that showing the skeletal structure of...
What Are All The Different Parts Of The Horse’s Hoof? A Detailed Guide
After giving my cousin my old horse Cross Fiire, I began to teach her everything she needs to know about horses. One of these was picking out the horse's feet. I began to point out the different...
Palomino horses are gorgeous animals with beautiful golden coats, but what makes this horse this color? And in what breeds are they most popular? What Is Palomino? Palomino is a horse coat...