The Connemara Pony is a breed of pony whose origins land in the country of Ireland. These Irish ponies are known for their kindness, gentle temperament, and popularity as children's riding ponies....
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If you are looking to get a horse, but don't really know what to look for, we can help you out! In my last post, I discussed 10 breeds that I would recommend to a beginner or novice rider....
Are you looking to buy your first horse in the near future but don't really know what to look for? Well you came to the right place. These are my 10 best recommendations for horse breeds that are...
Taking care of your saddle is an absolute necessity. The reason for this is to maintain the quality and condition of your saddle throughout the years. For new riders, horse owners, or just...
Most of the saddles seen being used in all riding disciplines in the horse industry are made from leather. This means that both English and Western saddles are usually made from leather regardless of...
Being a riding instructor, I must teach my students from the ground up about what it takes to be a good rider and how to ride and care for a horse in the first place. Because of this, I have had to...